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Activities That Help You Share Your Civic Values With Your Grands

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

The current events of our day are causing many to rethink what we have, or have not, shared with our children and grandchildren about our civic values. It’s important to pass along an understanding of important social issues. This helps to maintain our quality of life and keep society functioning in a safe and productive manner.

Values to Share With Your Grands

First, let’s list a few civic values. Remember, some are duties, too. Here’s a list to think about and add to as you explore what you value sharing with younger generations:

  1. Justice

  2. Equality

  3. Freedom

  4. Liberty

  5. Privacy

  6. Legal processes

  7. Patriotism

  8. Community service

  9. Philanthropy

  10. Public contribution through taxes

  11. Personal responsibility

  12. Rule of law

  13. Self-restraint

  14. Military service

  15. Jury duty

  16. Volunteerism

  17. Voting.

How to Start Sharing Your Civic Values

The easiest first step in sharing civic values is to stay informed yourself and then share information with family members. Subsequently, teach young ones from early ages about how our government functions. Then encourage discussion of why it’s important, as well as its strengths, and weaknesses. Discussing these things as a family not only shares family values and wisdom but also encourages analytical thinking.

Another way to share your civic values is to ensure that grandchildren visit local places of government or other types of civic activity. Summer is a great time to tour government buildings and explain what happens there.

The next step is to be active. Therefore, watch for local political or charitable events and take family members to them. Observing will definitely inspire questions from young ones. Afterward, you may even ask them questions of your own to test their understanding. Questions lead to discussions. Then discussions lead to understanding and growth.

Finally, if you have time, help young family members engage more directly by researching some charities in your local area and getting them involved directly. Charities that provide food or clothing to those less fortunate are great candidates for family participation and are always looking for both donations and assistance in distribution. What could you help grandchildren gather and give?

Young people love being connected to a cause. They have passion, time, and vigor. We, as more experienced adults, can help guide the development of these traits of youth into productive channels if we make it a family priority.

Share Your Own Ideas

Maybe you, by sharing your civic values, will inspire one of our next state or world leaders! We’d love to hear how you discuss and share civic values in your family.

How have you shared civic values with your Grands?

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