It seems a bit cliche to talk about the power of positive thinking but we’re going there this week. 2020 has been a difficult year for everyone I know. I’m sure it’s the same for you. Our holiday plans are being adjusted and holiday parties are being canceled.
Most of our holiday joy will be determined by what dwells in our hearts and minds over the next two or three weeks. Will we let disgruntlement over our circumstances live in heart and mind? Or will we choose to seek and remember the joyful moments of the past and those we can still celebrate?
Maybe we don’t get to travel for a large family Christmas but we can still celebrate with local family and friends in smaller groups. Maybe we can’t get together with others outside our home but we can learn to use Zoom and other means of video conferencing to see the faces we love and hear their voices.
We can do this! We can make the best of a difficult situation. There’s a Scriptural foundation for thinking positively, Philippians 4:8. It reminds us to think about truth, honesty, justice, purity, loveliness, and good messages. Some of our most treasured truths revolve around our grandchildren. Think about these things throughout the next couple of weeks and see if your mood is lifted above the frays of the pandemic:
Positive Thinking – Focus on Happy Holiday Moments
The true delight of children getting gifts, making cookies, or drinking hot chocolate.
The purity of their joy.
The loveliness of their faces in those special moments when you catch them looking at Christmas lights, exploring shiny packages, or smiling at you with adoration.
Yep. These moments, whether you’re experiencing them live or recalling them later, can shift your thinking and your mood. The positive message and experiences of love hold a powerful antidote to the negativity of 2020. Spend some time recalling every beautiful thing you can about your grandchildren. See if it doesn’t bring an immediate smile to your face and joy into your spirit. Now, let those thoughts dwell in your heart and mind throughout the holidays.
What is your favorite Holiday memory with your grandchildren?